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> tags в DLE. ЧПУ кириллических тегов для dle
Topic Starter сообщение 30.6.2011, 14:04; Ответить: LifeCycle
Сообщение #1

Есть сайт на DLE. При добавлении новости я прописываю метки, и если метка на английском языке, то получается url следующего вида http://sait.ru/tags/english, а если прописать её на русском то получается url такой http://sait.ru/tags/%E0%ED%E3%EB%E8%E9%F1%EA%E8%E9/

Нужно сделать так, чтобы и в том и в другом случае url имел вид http://sait.ru/tags/english, т.е. был только на английском. Я нашел файл, где это все прописано (functions.php), но не могу исправить, так как с php не знаком.

Буду очень благодарен тому, кто поможет решить данный вопрос. Если сделаете за деньги, то пишите сколько это будет стоить.

Сообщение отредактировал LifeCycle - 30.6.2011, 14:08
Вернуться в начало страницы
Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
Открыть тему
Ответов (1 - 5)
сообщение 30.6.2011, 15:20; Ответить: Timo
Сообщение #2

http://php.net/manual/en/function.urldecode.php - рекомендуется к прочтению и использованию smile.gif

Поблагодарили: (1)
Вернуться в начало страницы
Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
сообщение 30.6.2011, 15:35; Ответить: serg-ss
Сообщение #3

+1 тоже интересует этот вопрос и стоимость его решения.
Вернуться в начало страницы
Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
Topic Starter сообщение 30.6.2011, 16:00; Ответить: LifeCycle
Сообщение #4

(Timo @ 30.6.2011, 15:20) *
http://php.net/manual/en/function.urldecode.php - рекомендуется к прочтению и использованию smile.gif

Это близко к истине, но я полный ноль в php и поэтому самостоятельно прописать в нужное место, да чтобы это ещё и работало вряд-ли смогу.

Вопрос остается открытым.

Кстати, вот содержание файла functions.php


Copyright © 2004,2009 SoftNews Media Group
Данный код защищен авторскими правами
Файл: functions.php
Назначение: Основные функции
if( ! defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
die( "Hacking attempt!" );

function formatsize($file_size) {
if( $file_size >= 1073741824 ) {
$file_size = round( $file_size / 1073741824 * 100 ) / 100 . " Gb";
} elseif( $file_size >= 1048576 ) {
$file_size = round( $file_size / 1048576 * 100 ) / 100 . " Mb";
} elseif( $file_size >= 1024 ) {
$file_size = round( $file_size / 1024 * 100 ) / 100 . " Kb";
} else {
$file_size = $file_size . " b";
return $file_size;

class microTimer {
function start() {
global $starttime;
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode( ' ', $mtime );
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$starttime = $mtime;
function stop() {
global $starttime;
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode( ' ', $mtime );
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
$endtime = $mtime;
$totaltime = round( ($endtime - $starttime), 5 );
return $totaltime;

function flooder($ip) {
global $config, $db;

$this_time = time() + ($config['date_adjust'] * 60) - $config['flood_time'];
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_flood where id < '$this_time'" );

$sql_flood = "SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_flood WHERE ip = '$ip'";

if( $db->num_rows( $db->query( $sql_flood ) ) > 0 ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;

function totranslit($var, $lower = true, $punkt = true) {

if ( is_array($var) ) return "";

$NpjLettersFrom = "абвгдезиклмнопрстуфцыі";
$NpjLettersTo = "abvgdeziklmnoprstufcyi";
$NpjBiLetters = array ("й" => "j", "ё" => "yo", "ж" => "zh", "х" => "x", "ч" => "ch", "ш" => "sh", "щ" => "shh", "э" => "ye", "ю" => "yu", "я" => "ya", "ъ" => "", "ь" => "", "ї" => "yi", "є" => "ye" );

$NpjSmall = "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщьъыэюяїєі";

$var = str_replace( ".php", "", $var );
$var = trim( strip_tags( $var ) );
$var = preg_replace( "/\s+/ms", "-", $var );
$var = strtr( $var, $NpjCaps, $NpjSmall );
$var = strtr( $var, $NpjLettersFrom, $NpjLettersTo );
$var = strtr( $var, $NpjBiLetters );

if ( $punkt ) $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9\_\-.]+/mi", "", $var );
else $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9\_\-]+/mi", "", $var );

$var = preg_replace( '#[\-]+#i', '-', $var );

if ( $lower ) $var = strtolower( $var );

if( strlen( $var ) > 200 ) {

$var = substr( $var, 0, 200 );

if( ($temp_max = strrpos( $var, '-' )) ) $var = substr( $var, 0, $temp_max );


return $var;

function langdate($format, $stamp) {
global $langdate;

return strtr( @date( $format, $stamp ), $langdate );


function msgbox($title, $text) {
global $tpl;

$tpl_2 = new dle_template( );
$tpl_2->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;

$tpl_2->load_template( 'info.tpl' );

$tpl_2->set( '{error}', $text );
$tpl_2->set( '{title}', $title );

$tpl_2->compile( 'info' );

$tpl->result['info'] .= $tpl_2->result['info'];

function ShowRating($id, $rating, $vote_num, $allow = true) {
global $lang;

if( $rating ) $rating = round( ($rating / $vote_num), 0 );
else $rating = 0;
$rating = $rating * 17;

if( ! $allow ) {

$rated = <<<HTML
<div class="rating" style="float:left;">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}px;">{$rating}</li>
</div><div class="rating" style="float:left; padding-top:2px;">&nbsp;({$lang['voten']} {$vote_num})</div>

return $rated;

$rated .= <<<HTML
<div id='ratig-layer'><div class="rating" style="float:left;">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}px;">{$rating}</li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['useless']}" class="r1-unit" onclick="doRate('1', '{$id}'); return false;">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['poor']}" class="r2-unit" onclick="doRate('2', '{$id}'); return false;">2</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['fair']}" class="r3-unit" onclick="doRate('3', '{$id}'); return false;">3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['good']}" class="r4-unit" onclick="doRate('4', '{$id}'); return false;">4</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['excellent']}" class="r5-unit" onclick="doRate('5', '{$id}'); return false;">5</a></li>
</div><div class="rating" style="float:left; padding-top:2px;">&nbsp;({$lang['voten']} {$vote_num})</div></div>

return $rated;

function ShortRating($id, $rating, $vote_num, $allow = true) {
global $lang;

if( $rating ) $rating = round( ($rating / $vote_num), 0 );
else $rating = 0;
$rating = $rating * 17;

if( ! $allow ) {

$rated = <<<HTML
<div class="rating" style="float:left;">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}px;">{$rating}</li>

return $rated;

$rated = "<div id='ratig-layer-" . $id . "'>";

$rated .= <<<HTML
<div class="rating" style="float:left;">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}px;">{$rating}</li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['useless']}" class="r1-unit" onclick="dleRate('1', '{$id}'); return false;">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['poor']}" class="r2-unit" onclick="dleRate('2', '{$id}'); return false;">2</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['fair']}" class="r3-unit" onclick="dleRate('3', '{$id}'); return false;">3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['good']}" class="r4-unit" onclick="dleRate('4', '{$id}'); return false;">4</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['excellent']}" class="r5-unit" onclick="dleRate('5', '{$id}'); return false;">5</a></li>

$rated .= "</div>";

return $rated;

function userrating($name) {
global $db;

$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT SUM(rating) as rating, SUM(vote_num) as num FROM " . PREFIX . "_post where autor ='$name'" );

if( $row['num'] ) $rating = round( ($row['rating'] / $row['num']), 0 );
else $rating = 0;
$rating = $rating * 17;

$rated = <<<HTML
<div class="rating" style="display:inline;">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}px;">{$rating}</li>

return $rated;

function CategoryNewsSelection($categoryid = 0, $parentid = 0, $nocat = TRUE, $sublevelmarker = '', $returnstring = '') {
global $cat_info, $user_group, $member_id;

$allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );
$spec_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['cat_add'] );
$root_category = array ();

if( $parentid == 0 ) {
if( $nocat ) $returnstring .= '<option value="0"></option>';
} else {
$sublevelmarker .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';

if( count( $cat_info ) ) {

foreach ( $cat_info as $cats ) {
if( $cats['parentid'] == $parentid ) $root_category[] = $cats['id'];

if( count( $root_category ) ) {
foreach ( $root_category as $id ) {

if( $allow_list[0] == "all" or in_array( $id, $allow_list ) ) {

if( $spec_list[0] == "all" or in_array( $id, $spec_list ) ) $color = "black";
else $color = "red";

$returnstring .= "<option style=\"color: {$color}\" value=\"" . $id . '" ';

if( is_array( $categoryid ) ) {
foreach ( $categoryid as $element ) {
if( $element == $id ) $returnstring .= 'SELECTED';
} elseif( $categoryid == $id ) $returnstring .= 'SELECTED';

$returnstring .= '>' . $sublevelmarker . $cat_info[$id]['name'] . '</option>';
$returnstring = CategoryNewsSelection( $categoryid, $id, $nocat, $sublevelmarker, $returnstring );
return $returnstring;

function get_ID($cat_info, $category) {
foreach ( $cat_info as $cats ) {
if( $cats['alt_name'] == $category ) return $cats['id'];
return false;

function set_vars($file, $data) {

$fp = fopen( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/system/' . $file . '.php', 'wb+' );
fwrite( $fp, serialize( $data ) );
fclose( $fp );

@chmod( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/system/' . $file . '.php', 0666 );

function get_vars($file) {

return unserialize( @file_get_contents( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/system/' . $file . '.php' ) );

function filesize_url($url) {
return ($data = @file_get_contents( $url )) ? strlen( $data ) : false;

function dle_cache($prefix, $cache_id = false, $member_prefix = false) {
global $config, $is_logged, $member_id;

if( $config['allow_cache'] != "yes" ) return false;

if( $is_logged ) $end_file = $member_id['user_group'];
else $end_file = "0";

if( ! $cache_id ) {

$filename = ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/' . $prefix . '.tmp';

} else {

$cache_id = totranslit( $cache_id );

if( $member_prefix ) $filename = ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $prefix . "_" . $cache_id . "_" . $end_file . ".tmp";
else $filename = ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $prefix . "_" . $cache_id . ".tmp";


return @file_get_contents( $filename );

function create_cache($prefix, $cache_text, $cache_id = false, $member_prefix = false) {
global $config, $is_logged, $member_id;

if( $config['allow_cache'] != "yes" ) return false;

if( $is_logged ) $end_file = $member_id['user_group'];
else $end_file = "0";

if( ! $cache_id ) {
$filename = ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/' . $prefix . '.tmp';
} else {
$cache_id = totranslit( $cache_id );

if( $member_prefix ) $filename = ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $prefix . "_" . $cache_id . "_" . $end_file . ".tmp";
else $filename = ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $prefix . "_" . $cache_id . ".tmp";


$fp = fopen( $filename, 'wb+' );
fwrite( $fp, $cache_text );
fclose( $fp );

@chmod( $filename, 0666 );


function clear_cache($cache_area = false) {

$fdir = opendir( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache' );

while ( $file = readdir( $fdir ) ) {
if( $file != '.' and $file != '..' and $file != '.htaccess' and $file != 'system' ) {

if( $cache_area ) {

if( strpos( $file, $cache_area ) !== false ) @unlink( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/' . $file );

} else {

@unlink( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/' . $file );


function ChangeSkin($dir, $skin) {

$templates_list = array ();

$handle = opendir( $dir );

while ( false !== ($file = readdir( $handle )) ) {
if( @is_dir( "./templates/$file" ) and ($file != "." AND $file != ".." AND $file != "smartphone") ) {
$templates_list[] = $file;

closedir( $handle );

$skin_list = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"\"><select onchange=\"submit()\" name=\"skin_name\">";

foreach ( $templates_list as $single_template ) {
if( $single_template == $skin ) $selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
else $selected = "";
$skin_list .= "<option value=\"$single_template\"" . $selected . ">$single_template</option>";

$skin_list .= '</select><input type="hidden" name="action_skin_change" value="yes" /></form>';

return $skin_list;

function custom_print($custom_category, $custom_template, $aviable, $custom_from, $custom_limit, $custom_cache, $do) {
global $db, $is_logged, $member_id, $xf_inited, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module;

$do = $do ? $do : "main";
$aviable = explode( '|', $aviable );

if( ! (in_array( $do, $aviable )) and ($aviable[0] != "global") ) return "";

$custom_category = $db->safesql( str_replace( ',', '|', $custom_category ) );
$custom_from = intval( $custom_from );
$custom_limit = intval( $custom_limit );
$thisdate = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", (time() + $config['date_adjust'] * 60) );

if( intval( $config['no_date'] ) ) $where_date = " AND date < '" . $thisdate . "'";
else $where_date = "";

$tpl = new dle_template( );
$tpl->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;

if( $custom_cache == "yes" ) $config['allow_cache'] = "yes";
else $config['allow_cache'] = false;
if( $is_logged and ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_edit'] and ! $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_all_edit']) ) $config['allow_cache'] = false;

$content = dle_cache( "custom", "cat_" . $custom_category . "template_" . $custom_template . "from_" . $custom_from . "limit_" . $custom_limit, true );

if( $content ) {
return $content;
} else {

$allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );

if( $allow_list[0] != "all" ) {

if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {

$stop_list = "category regexp '[[:<:]](" . implode( '|', $allow_list ) . ")[[:>:]]' AND ";

} else {

$stop_list = "category IN ('" . implode( "','", $allow_list ) . "') AND ";


} else
$stop_list = "";

if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_short'] ) $stop_list = "";

if( $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_sort'] != "" ) $news_sort = $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_sort']; else $news_sort = $config['news_sort'];
if( $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_msort'] != "" ) $news_msort = $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_msort']; else $news_msort = $config['news_msort'];

if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {

$where_category = "category regexp '[[:<:]](" . $custom_category . ")[[:>:]]'";

} else {

$custom_category = str_replace( "|", "','", $custom_category );
$where_category = "category IN ('" . $custom_category . "')";


$sql_select = "SELECT id, autor, date, short_story, full_story, xfields, title, category, alt_name, comm_num, allow_comm, allow_rate, rating, vote_num, news_read, flag, editdate, editor, reason, view_edit, tags FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE " . $stop_list . $where_category . " AND approve" . $where_date . " ORDER BY " . $news_sort . " " . $news_msort . " LIMIT " . $custom_from . "," . $custom_limit;

include (ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/show.custom.php');

if( $config['files_allow'] == "yes" ) if( strpos( $tpl->result['content'], "[attachment=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->result['content'] = show_attach( $tpl->result['content'], $attachments );

create_cache( "custom", $tpl->result['content'], "cat_" . $custom_category . "template_" . $custom_template . "from_" . $custom_from . "limit_" . $custom_limit, true );

return $tpl->result['content'];

function check_ip($ips) {


$blockip = FALSE;

if( is_array( $ips ) ) {
foreach ( $ips as $ip_line ) {

$ip_arr = rtrim( $ip_line['ip'] );

$ip_check_matches = 0;
$db_ip_split = explode( ".", $ip_arr );
$this_ip_split = explode( ".", $_IP );

for($i_i = 0; $i_i < 4; $i_i ++) {
if( $this_ip_split[$i_i] == $db_ip_split[$i_i] or $db_ip_split[$i_i] == '*' ) {
$ip_check_matches += 1;


if( $ip_check_matches == 4 ) {
$blockip = $ip_line['ip'];


return $blockip;

function check_netz($ip1, $ip2) {

$ip1 = explode( ".", $ip1 );
$ip2 = explode( ".", $ip2 );

if( $ip1[0] != $ip2[0] ) return false;
if( $ip1[1] != $ip2[1] ) return false;

return true;


function show_attach($story, $id, $static = false) {
global $db, $config, $lang, $user_group, $member_id;

if( $static ) {

if( is_array( $id ) and count( $id ) ) $where = "static_id IN (" . implode( ",", $id ) . ")";
else $where = "static_id = '$id'";

$db->query( "SELECT id, name, onserver, dcount FROM " . PREFIX . "_static_files WHERE $where" );

$area = "&amp;area=static";

} else {

if( is_array( $id ) and count( $id ) ) $where = "news_id IN (" . implode( ",", $id ) . ")";
else $where = "news_id = '$id'";

$db->query( "SELECT id, name, onserver, dcount FROM " . PREFIX . "_files WHERE $where" );

$area = "";


while ( $row = $db->get_row() ) {

$size = formatsize( @filesize( ROOT_DIR . '/uploads/files/' . $row['onserver'] ) );
$row['name'] = explode( "/", $row['name'] );
$row['name'] = end( $row['name'] );

if( ! $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_files'] ) $link = "<span class=\"attachment\">{$lang['att_denied']}</span>";
elseif( $config['files_count'] == 'yes' ) $link = "<span class=\"attachment\"><a href=\"{$config['http_home_url']}engine/download.php?id={$row['id']}{$area}\" >{$row['name']}</a> [{$size}] ({$lang['att_dcount']} {$row['dcount']})</span>";
else $link = "<span class=\"attachment\"><a href=\"{$config['http_home_url']}engine/download.php?id={$row['id']}{$area}\" >{$row['name']}</a> [{$size}]</span>";

$story = str_replace( '[attachment=' . $row['id'] . ']', $link, $story );

return $story;


function xfieldsload($profile = false) {
global $lang;

if( $profile ) $path = ENGINE_DIR . '/data/xprofile.txt';
else $path = ENGINE_DIR . '/data/xfields.txt';

$filecontents = file( $path );

if( ! is_array( $filecontents ) ) msgbox( "System error", "File <b>{$path}</b> not found" );
else {
foreach ( $filecontents as $name => $value ) {
$filecontents[$name] = explode( "|", trim( $value ) );
foreach ( $filecontents[$name] as $name2 => $value2 ) {
$value2 = str_replace( "|", "|", $value2 );
$value2 = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $value2 );
$filecontents[$name][$name2] = $value2;
return $filecontents;

function xfieldsdataload($id) {

if( $id == "" ) return;

$xfieldsdata = explode( "||", $id );
foreach ( $xfieldsdata as $xfielddata ) {
list ( $xfielddataname, $xfielddatavalue ) = explode( "|", $xfielddata );
$xfielddataname = str_replace( "|", "|", $xfielddataname );
$xfielddataname = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $xfielddataname );
$xfielddatavalue = str_replace( "|", "|", $xfielddatavalue );
$xfielddatavalue = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $xfielddatavalue );
$data[$xfielddataname] = $xfielddatavalue;
return $data;

function create_keywords($story) {
global $metatags;

$keyword_count = 20;
$newarr = array ();

$quotes = array ("\x22", "\x60", "\t", "\n", "\r", ",", ".", "/", "¬", "#", ";", ":", "@", "~", "[", "]", "{", "}", "=", "-", "+", ")", "(", "*", "^", "%", "$", "<", ">", "?", "!", '"' );
$fastquotes = array ("\x22", "\x60", "\t", "\n", "\r", '"', "\\", '\r', '\n', "/", "{", "}", "[", "]" );

$story = preg_replace( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "", $story );
$story = preg_replace( "'\[attachment=(.*?)\]'si", "", $story );
$story = preg_replace( "'\[page=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/page\]'si", "", $story );
$story = str_replace( "{PAGEBREAK}", "", $story );
$story = str_replace( "&nbsp;", " ", $story );

$story = str_replace( $fastquotes, '', trim( strip_tags( str_replace( '<br />', ' ', stripslashes( $story ) ) ) ) );

$metatags['description'] = substr( $story, 0, 190 );

$story = str_replace( $quotes, '', $story );

$arr = explode( " ", $story );

foreach ( $arr as $word ) {
if( strlen( $word ) > 4 ) $newarr[] = $word;

$arr = array_count_values( $newarr );
arsort( $arr );

$arr = array_keys( $arr );

$total = count( $arr );

$offset = 0;

$arr = array_slice( $arr, $offset, $keyword_count );

$metatags['keywords'] = implode( ", ", $arr );

function allowed_ip($ip_array) {

$ip_array = trim( $ip_array );

if( $ip_array == "" ) {
return true;

$ip_array = explode( "|", $ip_array );

$db_ip_split = explode( ".", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );

foreach ( $ip_array as $ip ) {

$ip_check_matches = 0;
$this_ip_split = explode( ".", trim( $ip ) );

for($i_i = 0; $i_i < 4; $i_i ++) {
if( $this_ip_split[$i_i] == $db_ip_split[$i_i] or $this_ip_split[$i_i] == '*' ) {
$ip_check_matches += 1;


if( $ip_check_matches == 4 ) return true;


return FALSE;

function news_permission($id) {

if( $id == "" ) return;

$data = array ();

$groups = explode( "|", $id );
foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
list ( $groupid, $groupvalue ) = explode( ":", $group );
$data[$groupid] = $groupvalue;
return $data;

function bannermass($fest, $massiv) {
return $fest . $massiv[@array_rand( $massiv )]['text'];

function get_sub_cats($id, $subcategory = '') {

global $cat_info;
$subfound = array ();

if( $subcategory == '' ) $subcategory = $id;

foreach ( $cat_info as $cats ) {
if( $cats['parentid'] == $id ) {
$subfound[] = $cats['id'];

foreach ( $subfound as $parentid ) {
$subcategory .= "|" . $parentid;
$subcategory = get_sub_cats( $parentid, $subcategory );

return $subcategory;


function check_xss() {

$url = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) );

if( $url ) {

if( (strpos( $url, '<' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '>' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '"' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, './' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '../' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '\'' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '.php' ) !== false) ) {
if( $_GET['do'] != "search" or $_GET['subaction'] != "search" ) die( "Hacking attempt!" );


$url = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) );

if( $url ) {

if( (strpos( $url, '<' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '>' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '"' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '\'' ) !== false) ) {
if( $_GET['do'] != "search" or $_GET['subaction'] != "search" ) die( "Hacking attempt!" );




function check_category($cats, $block, $category, $action = true) {

$cats = explode( ',', $cats );
$category = explode( ',', $category );

foreach ( $category as $element ) {

if( $action ) {

if( in_array( $element, $cats ) ) {

$block = str_replace( '\"', '"', $block );
return $block;

} else {

if( ! in_array( $element, $cats ) ) {

$block = str_replace( '\"', '"', $block );
return $block;



return "";

function clean_url($url) {

if( $url == '' ) return;

$url = str_replace( "http://", "", strtolower( $url ) );
if( substr( $url, 0, 4 ) == 'www.' ) $url = substr( $url, 4 );
$url = explode( '/', $url );
$url = reset( $url );
$url = explode( ':', $url );
$url = reset( $url );

return $url;

function get_url($id) {

global $cat_info;

if( ! $id ) return;

$parent_id = $cat_info[$id]['parentid'];

$url = $cat_info[$id]['alt_name'];

while ( $parent_id ) {

$url = $cat_info[$parent_id]['alt_name'] . "/" . $url;

$parent_id = $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'];

if( $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'] == $cat_info[$parent_id]['id'] ) break;


return $url;

function get_categories($id) {

global $cat_info, $config, $PHP_SELF;

if( ! $id ) return;

$parent_id = $cat_info[$id]['parentid'];

if( $config['ajax'] ) $go_page = "onclick=\"DlePage('do=cat&category={$cat_info[$id]['alt_name']}'); return false;\" ";
else $go_page = "";

if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) $list = "<a {$go_page}href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $id ) . "/\">{$cat_info[$id]['name']}</a>";
else $list = "<a {$go_page}href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=cat&amp;category={$cat_info[$id]['alt_name']}\">{$cat_info[$id]['name']}</a>";

while ( $parent_id ) {

if( $config['ajax'] ) $go_page = "onclick=\"DlePage('do=cat&category={$cat_info[$parent_id]['alt_name']}'); return false;\" ";
else $go_page = "";

if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) $list = "<a {$go_page}href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $parent_id ) . "/\">{$cat_info[$parent_id]['name']}</a>" . " &raquo; " . $list;
else $list = "<a {$go_page}href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=cat&amp;category={$cat_info[$parent_id]['alt_name']}\">{$cat_info[$parent_id]['name']}</a>" . " &raquo; " . $list;

$parent_id = $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'];

if( $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'] == $cat_info[$parent_id]['id'] ) break;


return $list;

$domain_cookie = explode (".", clean_url( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ));
$domain_cookie_count = count($domain_cookie);
$domain_allow_count = -2;

if ( $domain_cookie_count > 2 ) {

if ( in_array($domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-2], array('com', 'net', 'org') )) $domain_allow_count = -3;
if ( $domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-1] == 'ua' ) $domain_allow_count = -3;
$domain_cookie = array_slice($domain_cookie, $domain_allow_count);

$domain_cookie = "." . implode (".", $domain_cookie);

define( 'DOMAIN', $domain_cookie );

function set_cookie($name, $value, $expires) {

if( $expires ) {

$expires = time() + ($expires * 86400);

} else {

$expires = FALSE;


if( PHP_VERSION < 5.2 ) {

setcookie( $name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN . "; HttpOnly" );

} else {

setcookie( $name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN, NULL, TRUE );


function news_sort($do) {

global $config, $lang;

if( ! $do ) $do = "main";

$find_sort = "dle_sort_" . $do;
$direction_sort = "dle_direction_" . $do;

$find_sort = str_replace( ".", "", $find_sort );
$direction_sort = str_replace( ".", "", $direction_sort );

$sort = array ();
$allowed_sort = array ('date', 'rating', 'news_read', 'comm_num', 'title' );

$soft_by_array = array (

'date' => array (

'name' => $lang['sort_by_date'], 'value' => "date", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),

'rating' => array (

'name' => $lang['sort_by_rating'], 'value' => "rating", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),

'news_read' => array (

'name' => $lang['sort_by_read'], 'value' => "news_read", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),

'comm_num' => array (

'name' => $lang['sort_by_comm'], 'value' => "comm_num", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),

'title' => array (

'name' => $lang['sort_by_title'], 'value' => "title", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" )



if( $_SESSION[$direction_sort] == "desc" or $_SESSION[$direction_sort] == "asc" ) $direction = $_SESSION[$direction_sort];
else $direction = $config['news_msort'];
if( $_SESSION[$find_sort] and in_array( $_SESSION[$find_sort], $allowed_sort ) ) $soft_by = $_SESSION[$find_sort];
else $soft_by = $config['news_sort'];

if( strtolower( $direction ) == "asc" ) {

$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['image'] = "<img src=\"{THEME}/dleimages/asc.gif\" alt=\"\" />";
$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['direction'] = "desc";

} else {

$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['image'] = "<img src=\"{THEME}/dleimages/desc.gif\" alt=\"\" />";
$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['direction'] = "asc";

foreach ( $soft_by_array as $value ) {

$sort[] = $value['image'] . "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"dle_change_sort('{$value['value']}','{$value['direction']}'); return false;\">" . $value['name'] . "</a>";

$sort = "<form name=\"news_set_sort\" id=\"news_set_sort\" method=\"post\" action=\"\" >" . $lang['sort_main'] . "&nbsp;" . implode( " | ", $sort );

$sort .= <<<HTML
<input type="hidden" name="dlenewssortby" id="dlenewssortby" value="{$config['news_sort']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="dledirection" id="dledirection" value="{$config['news_msort']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="set_new_sort" id="set_new_sort" value="{$find_sort}" />
<input type="hidden" name="set_direction_sort" id="set_direction_sort" value="{$direction_sort}" />
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
<!-- begin

function dle_change_sort(sort, direction){

var frm = document.getElementById('news_set_sort');


return false;

// end -->

return $sort;

function compare_tags($a, $b) {

if( $a['tag'] == $b['tag'] ) return 0;

return strcasecmp( $a['tag'], $b['tag'] );


function convert_unicode($t, $to = 'windows-1251') {
$to = strtolower( $to );

if( $to == 'utf-8' ) {

return urldecode( $t );

} else {

if( function_exists( 'iconv' ) ) $t = iconv( "UTF-8", $to . "//IGNORE", $t );
else $t = "The library iconv is not supported by your server";


return urldecode( $t );

function check_smartphone() {

$phone_array = array('iphone', 'pocket', 'palm', 'windows ce', 'windowsce', 'cellphone', 'opera mobi', 'ipod', 'small', 'sharp', 'sonyericsson', 'symbian', 'opera mini', 'nokia', 'htc_', 'samsung', 'motorola', 'smartphone', 'blackberry', 'playstation portable', 'tablet browser');
$agent = strtolower( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );

foreach ($phone_array as $value) {

if ( strpos($agent, $value) !== false ) return true;


return false;



Сообщение отредактировал LifeCycle - 30.6.2011, 16:01
Вернуться в начало страницы
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сообщение 30.6.2011, 16:07; Ответить: Timo
Сообщение #5

LifeCycle, содержимое /engine/modules/functions.php есть, но это здесь, вероятно, не к месту, т.к. движок урлы генерирует верно, думаю, дело в сервере или браузере, или в вместе... Не готов сейчас точно ответить sad.gif
Вернуться в начало страницы
Ответить с цитированием данного сообщения
Topic Starter сообщение 30.6.2011, 18:22; Ответить: LifeCycle
Сообщение #6

На данный момент удалось найти лишь единственное решение и то недоделанное:

Прикрепленный файл  tag_translit.zip ( 1,95 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 221

Теги на русском теперь выводятся ссылками с английскими буквами, но возникла проблема. Если прописать в новости, к примеру, тег Лондон, то в Title (на странице с этим тегом) автоматом будет выводить London, а нужно чтобы в титле было кириллицей. И когда открываешь все теги, то там тоже вместо Лондон с нужным url, выводит ссылку http://sait.ru/tags/London c анкором London

Нужно сделать так, чтобы менялся только url, но не сам title

Замечание модератора:
Эта тема была закрыта автоматически ввиду отсутствия активности в ней на протяжении 100+ дней.
Если Вы считаете ее актуальной и хотите оставить сообщение, то воспользуйтесь кнопкой
или обратитесь к любому из модераторов.
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1 чел. читают эту тему (гостей: 1, скрытых пользователей: 0)
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